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Conditions of Use

Note: As for narrative description in the site, when both Japanese and English are available, the Japanese sentence is to be regarded more accurate description.

1. About Privacy Policy


This website is an online store using "" web services and tools. Therefore, the definition and handling of personal information is in compliance with's privacy policy. Before accessing or using our service, please read " privacy policy" and our company's contents carefully. Our services can be visited or used only if you agree with the privacy policy on this page and you collect or collect your personal information as defined and explained by accessing or using the service And that we have agreed to this privacy policy including processing. If you do not read it, you do not understand enough, or if you can not agree with this privacy policy, please stop immediately from this website, application or service and avoid or stop using any of our services.


当ウェブサイトは、「」のWebサービス並びにツールを使用したオンラインストアです。したがって、個人情報の定義並びにその取り扱いは、Wix.comのプライバシーポリシーに準拠しています。当社のサービスにアクセスあるいは使用する前に、「Wix.comプライバシーポリシー 」と弊社による当ページの内容をよくお読み下さい。

【About SNS buttons 】

This website has installed "buttons" for social networking services (SNS). If you do not agree to automatically send user ID and other information to the operator by clicking the SNS button, please do not click the button. Please note that user ID and other information may be automatically sent from your browser when you view this site. Please check the privacy policy page of each SNS operator for details.

<< Meta・Instagram >>

 ■   SNSボタンについて


<< Meta・Instagram >>

【About general data protection regulation ( GDPR )】


Regarding the handling of privacy information when residents within the EU area access or use this website, this site is in compliance with "our response to GDPR" by  For residents within the EU area, be sure to read the description before using the service of our site.



Cookie Policy


RumFrom uses cookies to collect certain information for the purpose of analysing how customers use the website or to provide customised services and advertising to individual customers.
Cookies Cookies are functions that store your website browsing information on your computer (PC, smartphone, tablet or other internet-capable device). Cookies can be set by us (first-party cookies) or by third parties in partnership with us (third-party cookies).

■Purpose of use of cookies 

(1) We use cookies to improve customer convenience, for example by preventing customers from repeatedly entering the same information when browsing our website. 

(2) We may use the information collected using cookies to analyse how you use the website (access status, traffic, routing, etc.) and use it to improve the performance of the website itself and to improve and enhance the services we provide to you. We may use this information to improve the performance of the website itself and to improve the services we provide to you. For this analysis, the following tools are mainly used and information may be provided to the tool providers.
[ Google Analytics (Google LLC)  ]
Privacy policy:
(2) To disable (opt-out):

(3) In addition, cookies may be used for the delivery of behaviourally targeted advertising by affiliated ad-serving companies. (4) The behaviourally targeted advertising is a system for displaying advertisements that match the interests and concerns of customers based on information on their visit and behavioural history on websites and other websites.
[ Google LLC. ]
Privacy policy:
Disabling cookies (opt-out):

■How to reject cookies 

(1) How to reject all cookies
It is possible for customers to disable cookies by changing the browser settings. However, some services may not be available if cookies are disabled; please contact the manufacturer of your browser for information on how to change cookie settings. 

(2) How to reject certain cookies
Please contact the respective companies for information on how to stop the provision of information to the advertising distribution service providers. You can also check the URLs of the main partner ad-subscription service providers listed below. 

[Contact details]
   If you have any questions about the Cookie Policy or the way we handle personal information, please contact us by e-mail at the following address.

   Personal information management officer : [Yoshiyuki Shiina] (


Cookieについて Cookieとはお客様のウェブサイト閲覧情報を、そのお客様のコンピューター(PCやスマートフォン、タブレットなどインターネット接続可能な機器)に記憶させる機能のことです。Cookieには、当社によって設定されるもの(ファーストパーティークッキー)と、当社と提携する第三者によって設定されるもの(サードパーティークッキー)があります。



<< Google Analytics (Google LLC) >> 

<< Google LLC >> 




【 問い合わせ先】

   個人情報管理担当 : [椎名良幸] (

【About Google Analytics】

On this site, we use "Google Analytics" access analysis tool by Google.

Google Analytics uses cookies mainly to collect traffic data anonymously, which never identify individuals.  You can disable cookies to refuse collecting.  Please confirm the setting of your browser.




2. About customer personal information

Customer's access to this site and your personal information (such as e-mail address or telephone number, contact address, name, address, payment method and transaction details, request details etc Handling of identifiable information, that is, information identifying an individual or information that can identify an individual through reasonable efforts, conforms to " Privacy Policy".

Regarding the use of your personal information, we will never use it for purposes other than procedures related to online shopping, such as purchase procedures, delivery procedures, e-mails and telephone exchanges with customers. In addition, we will remove your personal information stored in our system with responsibility at our company after all procedure is completed, after our returnable expiration date has expired.


お客様が当サイトへのアクセスおよび使用した際に当サイトが取得するお客様の個人情報(例えば、メールアドレスあるいは電話番号、連絡先、氏名、住所、支払い方法および取引の詳細、請求の詳細等の個別に識別可能な情報、つまり個人を特定する情報あるいは合理的な努力によって個人を特定できる情報の取り扱いは、「Wix.comプライバシーポリシー 」に準拠します。


Links and quotation of text and image

Certain links, including hypertext links, in this site will lead you to websites or pages that are not under your control.  Links are provided for convenience and inclusion of any links does not imply endorsements in any way of the site to which it links.  If you need to quote any text in our website, there is no limitation as long as our website URL and/or links to the page are shown.  Contact WORKAHOLICS, INC.(referred to as "our company", "we", "us" or "our", as applicable below) if you need to use the images in our website.  


You may not modify, distribute, reproduce, publish, license, sell, create derivative works from, or remove proprietary rights notices from any materials on our website without the express written permission of our company as copyright owners.  You should assume that all materials on our website are the copyrighted materials.


All of the trademarks, service marks and logos displayed on this Site are registered.  You may not use them without the express written permission of our company.  


1. Contact form

If you have any inquiry, please contact through Contact form.

2. E-Mail

The purpose of the e-mails ( including newsletter )  to the customers is to respond inquiry and to give information. You may not copy, and modify the e-mails for other websites and printed matters without the express written permission of our company.


3. Response

We response customer's inquiry by the best way that we decide according the situation.  As the case may be, we take some time to solve and response the inquiry.


4. Personal information

Fill your personal information honestly and exactly, otherwise we are not able to response your inquiry.  Also, You may not disguise your personal information.


1. No Guarantee of the text

Our company carefully carries contents to our website, however we do not guarantee the accuracy of them and assume no responsibility for information contained in the Website.  Also we do not guarantee interruption of our website function and the breakdown caused by computer virus and/or any other errors.

2. Troubles

Our company cannot be held responsible for errors in contents of our website and troubles between customers and third party, except there is any reason that we take the responsibility for.

3. Changes of contents

The information and files on our websites can be changed, modified, and deleted without proper reason.

4. Restriction of responsibility

Our company takes responsibility for the damage only in case that the damage be directly caused by us.

Use of customer information

We use inquiry and claims from customers to make statistics anonymously.


1. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The use of our website and interpretation of this condition of use are based on the laws in Japan.

2. Our reaction

If customers use our website against our intention, we impose suspension of use of our website with legislative measures.


3. This article

This condition of use does not restrict customers rights.  This article can be changed, modified, and deleted without notice.

4. Websites linked to our website

The use of the websites linked to our website is based on the websites that linked.



Shop name : LAMMFROMM (Shibuya Scramble Square 5th floor)

Address : 24-12, Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6127, Japan (directly above Shibuya station / underground entrance B6),
( Access Map: ENGLISH | 簡体中文 | 繁体中文 | 한국어 )

Opening hours : 10:00 〜21:00

TEl : +81 (0)3-5454-0450



Address : NN States Bldg. 2nd floor, 2-4-7 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0021, JAPAN ( 日本 )

TEL:+81 (0)3-5722-6901

FAX:+81 (0)3-5722-6902

Search Site


MON - FRI:  9:00am - 18:00pm

Address : Sakura Terrace 1F, 1-38-4 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112 - 0014, JAPAN

TEL:+81 (0)3-3468-8161

Copyright © LAMMFROMM all rights reserved.

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