LAMMFROMM sells products with permission of the artists only.
Yoshitomo Nara's soft toys are not sold on our online store due to the agreement with artist.
Real Shop Info.
Shop name :
LAMMFROMM (Shibuya Scramble Square 5th floor)
Opening hours :
10:00 〜21:00
Address :
24-12, Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6127, Japan (directly above Shibuya station / underground entrance B6)
Access Map :
+81 (0)3-5454-0450
LAMMFROMM include our original art products based on contemporary Japanese artists and contemporary artists such as Yayoi Kusama and Yoshitomo Nara, as well as import art goods carefully selected by LAMMFROMM, young artists we sell artistic goods & design goods which are not elsewhere, such as works of contemporary artists and limited items which can only be purchased now.
LAMMFROMM aims to be a bridge between customers and art by providing products, art works and art related information on the theme of art. We look forward to your visit from the bottom of our heart.
ラムフロムでは、草間彌生や奈良美智など、日本を代表する現代アーティストやいま注目の現代アーティストの作品をモチーフにしたラムフロム・オリジナルのアートプロダクツを始め、ラムフロム が厳選したインポートアートグッズ、若手現代美術家の作品や、今しか買えない限定アイテムなど、他にはない多彩アートグッズ&デザイングッズを販売しております。